
Figure 1

two views
Bernard de Go Mars under Public Domain © from [Wikimedia] (

Figure 2

two views animated
Bernard de Go Mars under Public Domain © from [Wikimedia] (

Process Overview

Figure 1

sift algorithm
Feature points in photograph of building © Lukas Mach at English Wikipedia

Figure 2

Édifice Shaughnessy, 401-407, rue McGill, Montréal © Jeangagnon at Wikimedia

Figure 3

Vase by Jersey Glass Company of George Dummer (MET, 20.48.1) © Metropolitan Museum of Art at Wikimedia

Figure 4

Silver mugs created by Adrian Bancker (1703-1772) between 1731-1750. Currently held by the Museum of the City of New York. © Adrian Bancker at Wikimedia

Figure 5

Features matched
View of features matched by Metashape photogrammetry software on a dataset of a coloured carboard box. Blue lines display valid matches, and red lines display invalid matches.

Figure 6

hosue match

Figure 7

Software computes 3D points describing the scene geometry © ZooFari in Wikimedia

Figure 8

point cloud
Point cloud projected by images

Figure 9

dense point cloud
Point cloud projected by images

Figure 10

triangulated model
Triangulated point cloud projected by images

Figure 11

triangulated model
Zooming into the triangles of the 3D model

Photogrammetry Setup

Figure 1


Figure 2

Best practice to photograph facades. DO NOT take a panorama image of a facade. DO walk along the facade taking overlapping pictures.
Best practice to photograph facades. DO NOT take a panorama image of a facade. DO walk along the facade taking overlapping pictures.

Figure 3

Best practice to photograph rooms or closed spaces. DO NOT take various panorama images of the room. DO walk around the room taking overlapping pictures.
Best practice to photograph rooms or closed spaces. DO NOT take various panorama images of the room. DO walk around the room taking overlapping pictures.

Figure 4

Best practice to photograph objects. DO NOT take pictures without overlap. DO walk around the object taking overlapping pictures.
Best practice to photograph objects. DO NOT take pictures without overlap. DO walk around the object taking overlapping pictures.

Figure 5

12 cm Marker under wooden horse object
12 cm Marker under wooden horse object

Figure 6

Shadows created by the sunlight on Saint Viktor of Xanten Church, Dülmen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Public domain, Dietmar Rabich , under CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Shadows created by the sunlight on Saint Viktor of Xanten Church, Dülmen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Public domain, Dietmar Rabich , under CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Figure 7

Overcast lighting on Statue of Queen Victoria, Brighton
Overcast lighting on Statue of Queen Victoria, Brighton

Figure 8

static camera
Static camera / move object setup

Figure 9

Photo of setup without object
Photo of setup without object

Figure 10

Diffused box for static objects

Figure 11

Balkan Heritage Field School (photogrammetry course) at Stobi, Ivan.giogio, under CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Balkan Heritage Field School (photogrammetry course) at Stobi, Ivan.giogio, under CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Figure 12

As the visualisation shows, the digital photographs in this setup have a repetitive structure
As the visualisation shows, the digital photographs in this setup have a repetitive structure

Figure 13

static object
Static object / move camera setup

Figure 14

static obj
As the visualisation shows, the digital photographs in this setup are more organic, as the photographer moves taking more or less pictures when required

Software Workflow

Figure 1

Image from photogrammetry acquisition

Figure 2

Example of image showing the mask which is loaded into the software
Example of image showing the mask which is loaded into the software

Figure 3

Sparse point cloud generated by 3DFlow ZEPHYR software

Figure 4

Dense point cloud generated by 3DFlow ZEPHYR software
Dense point cloud generated by 3DFlow ZEPHYR software

Figure 5

3D model
3D model generated by 3DFlow ZEPHYR software

Figure 6
